Main Hall
Climate Action Leicester and Leicestershire
Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust
Loughborough Naturalists Club
Leicestershire County Council Waste Team and Master Composter
Plastic Free Woodhouse Eaves
The Woodhouse Agora
Charnwood Eco Hub
Zest Eat - serving from 12
Youth and Community Hall
Olivier Leger Artwork
For the Love of Earth
Barrow Green Living
Jo's Face Painting (from 12.30)
Paper Marking demonstration (11 - 1)
Paper workshop
Welcome Area Marquee
General information
First Aid
Children's animal hunt activity
King George Hall
Repair Café
3D Printer
Inter Care
Vista Charity Shop
Clean Living
Pass it on - information about Freegle and Freecycle
Car Park Area
B-Buddies bike maintenance, donation and refill station
The Parks - Beacon, Bradgate and GeoPark Rangers
Real Refills
Incredible Edible
Loughborough Students' Landscaping and Gardening Society
Choose How You Move
Exaireo Trust
Stonehurst Farm