A plastic carrier bag is used for a matter of minutes but will last in our environment for decades. Even when it eventually breaks down it will become tiny microscopic particles that will go on polluting. A fabric bag can be used again and again and again, however, if you buy a new fabric bag from the shops, it will have taken energy and water to be created. And this is where a MORSBAG is different.
Morsbags are made with material that has already been made but is either no longer fit for purpose or is not required any more. By reusing the material it takes far less energy to create a new functional bag.

Members of our group decided to create the Woodhouse Eaves 'Pod' (a group that gets together to make Morsbags) after one member learnt how to make the bags at her WI meeting. We have used unwanted table cloths, duvets, pillow cases, curtains and clothes to create over 850 bags so far. The bags are then given away to encourage others to stop using plastic carrier bags.

In Woodhouse Eaves our creations can be found in the Spar store (to the left of the counter), the Woodhouse Agora and Apples and Pears Greengrocer. We supply the bags knowing that many people forget to bring a shopping bag or might not have envisaged going shopping. Individuals are able to take a bag and keep it if they need to. If however, they have many other bags at home, they are asked to bring it back next time they are in store.
We also give bags to Warning Zone and the Buddhist Centre in Leicester.
We are always in need of more fabric. If you have any unwanted pieces of fabric, please do contact us. Don't worry if it is faded or has a stain, we will work around that or make it part of the design!
If you want to have a go at making your own MORSBAG, contact us for a pre-cut kits ready for you to sew.
Total to date - November 2023