Anna Michalska Art - Paper making activity
Discover the simple art of paper making
An ancient and beautiful way to repurpose paper which would otherwise end up in waste. Let Anna show you this simple technique for you to take away and explore yourselves.
Get a free maintenance check on your bike with B-BUDDIES. Chat to them about any repairs that might need doing and for a fee they will complete the work. The team can advise on all aspects of cycling including commuting and eBikes. Bring along your unwanted, good quality bikes for recycling. Plus bring your empty Muc Off bike cleaner bottles to be refilled.

Beacon Hill Country Park, Bradgate Park and the GeoPark
Find out about volunteering opportunities in our wonderful local parks. Representatives from all 3 organisations will be talking about how they are caring for our local habitats and how you can get involved.
Charnwood Eco Hub
Charnwood Eco Hub is a community interest company, set up to act as an umbrella organisation for eco and sustainable groups in the Charnwood area. They are responsible for organising Charnwood‘s annual Sustainability Fair and have plans to offer a tool library, makerspace and scrapstore for community use. Talk to them about their plans and how you can get involved.

Clean Living
Eco friendly, plant based, refillable cleaning and laundry products. (Cards accepted)
Climate Action Leicester and Leicestershire (CALL)
Can you place common foods on a pyramid based on their carbon footprint? Play the food game to learn more. Find out information about their two current campaigns: Warm Homes (insulation to tackle fuel poverty and climate change) and LeicsDivest (council pension investment in fossil fuel producers) and sign their petitions.
Exaireo Trust
The Exaireo Trust is a local homelessness charity. Their stall will showcase the work done at the Exaireo Reuse Project, helping the residents to get vital work experience whilst upcycling furniture, making things from unwanted pallets and saving paint from incineration or landfill. Come and talk to them about volunteering opportunities too.

Greenpeace - Project Climate Vote
Project Climate Vote is a Greenpeace campaign to recruit 1 million people who pledge to vote with the climate in mind at the upcoming general election. This will indicate to all political parties that climate is high on many people's agenda, and needs to be a priority if they want our vote! Find out more about the campaign here and add your pledge.
Incredible Edible Loughborough finds underused spaces in the town and uses them to grow organic, healthy food. Their aims are regenerating public spaces, improving soil health, increasing biodiversity, empowering people to grow their own and eat more healthily, and building kinder more resilient communities through growing food together. They have 7 gardens in the town and they are free to all to walk in and help themselves to fresh organic fruit and vegetables.
Inter Care - Medical Aid for Africa is a small charity based in Syston, Leicester. This year,
the charity celebrates 50 years of reducing UK medical waste and helping to save lives across sub-Saharan Africa. They also run a recycling scheme to collect stamps, foreign currency, unwanted jewellery, and mobile phones. This helps to raise vital funds but also helps to recycle and reuse unwanted items.
Items are welcome on the day. For full list of items accepted, please visit the Inter Care site.
Earth inspired designs for all to enjoy - young and old! Jo will be painting faces or arms into wonderful animals - tigers, bats, snakes, bears and much more. The glitter bar is plastic free and biodegradable.
Charges apply. Find Jo on Facebook jo.s.facepainting.2024
Protecting our local wildlife is really important. The LRWT will have information on how to join and what you can do to encourage wildlife in your garden.
Leicestershire County Council - Waste Initiatives Team will be joining us to provide information and guidance on a range of waste initiative campaigns, all aimed at helping you to reduce, reuse, repair and recycle.
Loughborough Naturalists’ Club assists with the important recording of wildlife in Leicestershire and Rutland, to enable changes in abundance and distribution to be monitored so helping to support actions to be taken to preserve our wildlife. New members are very welcome and more experienced members share their learning with those less experienced.

Loughborough Students Landscaping and Gardening Society (LAGS)
LAGS are based on the Loughborough University Campus. They will have information on the student campus garden and a selection of seeds to swap and plants for sale. Plant your own seed to take away (no charge).
AgeUK Men and Women in Sheds will be selling a wide range of their handmade wooden goods. All items created from donated materials and tools by our wonderfully talented contributors and volunteers. Chat to their volunteers about how to get involved in the project too! Cards accepted
Come to the main village hall and pick up a free reusable shopping bag. Made with fabric that would otherwise end up in landfill these are a great way to start your sustainable journey.
Ocean wildlife artist Olivier Leger creates intricately detailed paintings celebrating the wonders of life in our oceans. Grab a magnifying glass and dive in!

Plastic Free Woodhouse Eaves
Find out the easiest plastic free swaps around the house and get top tips on tried and tested plastic free brands. They will also be selling produce bags, cotton scrubbies, pot covers and bunting for sale (cards accepted).
Sandra will be bringing her fantastic Real Refills van to the fair to offer you refills of fruits, nuts, cereals, seeds, cleaning liquids and lots of plastic free swaps for your home and body. Bring a container with a lid or bottles to fill up on everything you need. She will be happy to talk through how her refills work in communities or by delivery or collection. (Cards accepted)
The farm will be bringing a delicious selection of savoury scones, cheese straws and sausage rolls. Choose fresh bread and farm produce from a very local farm business.
Buying pre-loved is an excellent way to help the environment. Esther will be bringing a selection of pre-loved clothes, shoes and bags which will hopefully change your mindset towards charity shop shopping.
(Cash only)

Woodhouse Agora
Fiona will bring a selection of fantastic, delicious products for you to buy. Hathern roasted coffee, Summerdown chocolate mints, Two Farmers crisps and Wessex Mill flour. Learn more about Splosh's refillable cleaning products.
Also enjoy a delicious glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in your own cup. Bring a refillable mug with you! (Cash only)
zestEAT specialises in healthy vegan food and treats. From midday they will be offering a rich roasted Mediterranean vegetable soup with a swirl of homemade vegan pesto, served with a slice of Olivia’s freshly baked Pullman loaf. £5.50 per portion

3D Printer Demonstration
Could 3D printing help us in a quest to repair and reuse? Joe will be demonstrating a 3D printer in the King George's Hall alongside the repair café. Discuss the parts he has already designed and made to fix items that would otherwise have ended up in landfill.