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Information for young people
If you haven't heard of the devastating effects of litter pollution on our environment, you must have been living under a rock. Although we do not live near the sea, the rubbish dropped in our village could easily find its way into the water course via streams and drains. These tiny micro plastics often end up being eaten by birds leaving them unable to fly or digest real food.

On 31 August, we need your help to give our village a very thorough clean up. You will find bottles, cans and sweet wrappers easily but we want you to really look hard to find the tiny pieces that get missed. Hopefully you will find nothing – sadly we doubt it.
If you want to, there is a chart below which you can copy out and complete as you go around. Alternatively keep a note of unusual items on your phone. When you bring the rubbish back to the Village Hall, we will ask you to tell us what sort of items you found.

Thanks for helping our village stay tidy!
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